NGEN 1.3 Firmware Update - Now Available

Hi everybody!

The new 1.3 firmware update for NGEN is now available and it includes the new Song Mode, new MIDI and CV tests, updated MIDI Monitor, a new Pop mode, new shortcuts and animations, improvements to clock generators, file management, and more.⁣

For more information about the NGEN 1.3 update, check out our latest blog post at NGEN 1.3 Firmware Update now Available! — Spektro Audio

The overview video for the new update can also be found at

Download, change-log, and update instructions are available on the NGEN User Manual at:


this is totally great. can´t wait to update NGEN:
a true secret weapon.
And thank you very much for the PDF manual.

UF2 file is really small 570 KB. Isnt it?

Yeah, so much power in such a small package.

Is it me or is the link not working? Wanted to update but i can’t dowenload anything

Hey @Jan!
Were you able to download it?
If not, could you please let me know what errors you’re getting?

Dear Icaro, thanks for the reply. No i wasn’t able to download it. When i click the link nothing happens. I do see the infromation of the file in the left lower corner of the screen.

Ah, I see, could you check if perhaps your browser is blocking the download?
The links do seem to be working for me but they are currently being distributed via http (not https) and I’m suspecting some browsers might not be too happy about that.
I will try to update those links to a better alternative asap (probably during the weekend) but, in the meantime, feel free to DM / email me if you’d like me to send you a copy of the firmware directly.

Dear Icaro, the information of mine NGEN shows verdsion 1.3 now so i guess it succeeded, many thanks.

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Hey everybody, following up about the links, the URLs for the updates and PDF version on the User Manual have been updated to use HTTPS.

If anyone is still having any issues downloading the files, please let me know!