Disable MIDI clock output

first of all thanks a lot for this great device! Nevertheless I have a small problem with it. My setup contains two sequencers and all devices (sequencers and synths) are connected to a central midi hub. NGEN is receiving MIDI clock via the hub from the other sequencer and produces midi notes just fine. But it also forwards the midi clock back to the hub and this creates duplicate clock messages and wrong timings and speeds on the connected devices.
Is there a way to disable the sending of midi clock signals in NGEN?
Kind Regards,

Hey @Stroem!

Unfortunately I think the clock output is currently hard coded but, reading your post, I agree that this could lead to issues like the one you’re describing.
I will add this to the request list for 1.4. I believe it should be possible to add it as a MIDI setting (like MIDI Thru).

Do you think this would help with your setup?

Hi Icaro,
yes I think making it configurable would be the best option. I also think, although I’m no MIDI expert, being able to disable MIDI clock output would solve my problem.
These are great news! Please keep us posted about the progress with the 1.4 firmware :slight_smile:

Ah perfect then. Yeah I do believe the setting should help!

I’ll have to focus on the next NGEN batch during the next couple of weeks but I’m also trying to get as much feedback about 1.3 as possible in the meantime.
1.4 might be a bit further down the road (perhaps Q2) since there’re still some other major features I want to add but, if there’s a need for a minor update in between 1.3 and 1.4, I’ll make sure to include this option.

If you need a fix as soon as possible, please let me know and I’ll send you a compiled version of the firmware with clock out disabled!